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Saving has always been a way of life for people who believed on its power. These people know that they have to save more money in order to create a more established future.
However, as time goes by, more and more people find it hard to save money. They contend that saving is no longer a way of life but a resolution that they have to strictly adhere to just to salt away some amount of money.
Some people even insist that it is no longer possible for a person to save more money because most of them are already living paycheck to paycheck. With all the high-prices of commodities these days, saving more money is no longer workable.
But the point is that people can indeed save more.
How? Here is a list of some modern ways that will let you save more money:
1. Save some percentage from your salary
Most money-savers automatically take at least 30% from their salary and save them into their savings account. The basic concept here is that most of us spend whatever amount we have on our paycheck, and maybe even more. If you are able to limit that amount, your expenses will unexplainably get smaller.
2. Pay everything in cash
Credit cards had always been a way of life for most consumers. The problem is that they become so comfortable with it that they tend to spend everything on credit. In fact, statistics show that the average family has an average outstanding balance on their credit cards amounting to $7,000. And they even pay almost $1,000 in each year just on the interest charges alone.
Hence, because of this comfortable shopping, they forget to keep track of their expenses and accumulate more payables than what they can afford to pay.
3. Set goals
Create goals that you really want and not be fickle-minded about it. If there’s a certain amount involved, be specific with the amount, like saying “I will save $5,000 in a year and not around $5,000.”
Try to set your goals based on your priorities. Have a period for every goal.
4. Check your company’s retirement plan
With your employer plan such as the 401(k) or the 403(b), you can definitely save more money for the future. Here, your company will deduct a percentage of your salary from each paycheck and invest the amount in your choice of instruments—mainly mutual funds.
The bottom line is that saving is not just a way of life or a resolution. It’s the ultimate gratification that you get as a fruit of your labor.
If you’re considering a computer animation degree and have been discouraged by people telling you that there isn’t much opportunity in this field, don’t believe it. Computer animation is actually a field that covers an incredible amount of territory and is currently in need of qualified, talented people. What surprises many people is the diversity of opportunities for individuals with a computer animation degree.
The first and most obvious opportunity (and the one that usu...
Computer Animation degree,
Article Body:
If you’re considering a computer animation degree and have been discouraged by people telling you that there isn’t much opportunity in this field, don’t believe it. Computer animation is actually a field that covers an incredible amount of territory and is currently in need of qualified, talented people. What surprises many people is the diversity of opportunities for individuals with a computer animation degree.
The first and most obvious opportunity (and the one that usually generates someone’s initial interest) is computer animated films such a cartoons and feature length movies. A generation ago these weren’t even dreams, but today some of the greatest money making films of all time have been computer animated. Studios like Pixar and Industrial Light and Sound are staffed by computer animators who design their films from conception to final cut.
Not Just Movies Anymore
But you don’t have to move to Hollywood to put a computer animation degree to good use. In fact, large cities that have dynamic advertising industries are increasingly drawing computer animation specialists. Advertising firms recognize the value of unique, unusual and compelling commercials, and computer animation is a favorite method of catching viewers’ attention in today’s marketplace. Whether it is talking lizards or elaborate accidents, animation takes advertising to the next level.
Theme parks also rely heavily on those with computer animation degrees to make their rides and other features more appealing. How many times have you waited in a long line for an attraction and been entertained by a short animated feature that sets the tone for the coming attraction? Today’s haunted houses and many other entertainment venues feature some form of computer-generated animation as either the main component or to enhance the overall effect.
Almost everyone has played a video game these days; video game developers may hire more computer animation degree graduates than any other industry. No matter how interesting or complex the game concept is, if the graphics and animation aren’t top-notch, the game is doomed to failure.
Advancing Research through Computer Animation
Individuals graduating with a computer animation degree frequently overlook research and development. This is a shame, because researchers in the scientific and medical communities are in desperate need of qualified animators to bring their work to life. More and more, researchers are relying on animation to help them clearly present their research and findings at seminars, hospitals and to the boards that fund their work.
Hospitals and clinics also use computer animation to demonstrate surgical techniques and other procedures to patients.
There are so many different ways that computer animation is used today and the market is steadily growing. In the future, it will be used in more inventive and diverse ways as technology advances, increasing the demand for skilled experts with a computer animation degree.
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